On course towards the New Year of Twenty Twenty-three offering another set of fresh beginnings on the calendar of normalcy. Twenty twenty-three is building as a year offering biggest hopes on opportunities and turnaround of livelihood in wellness Business Institutions, Entrepreneurs, Startups and other marketers are gearing value propositions to reinvent their strategic positioning around their business models established on Brand and Customer Relationship to ensure their sort goals The New Year will look up to revision in Strategies, Technology, Alliances and Service Customization around operations to enhance business growth with market demand on renewed enterprises The on-going calendar year of Twenty Twenty-Two is filled until the year-end with major events post normalcy, buzzing engagements and activities from Events to global on-going sporting events like T20 Cricket World cup between 16 - 13 Nov, most sort after FIFA world cup between 20 Nov– 18 Dec, and then following into the Global Festivity of Christmas and New Year… These few mentionable of Twenty twenty-two has pre-occupied slots over a chock-a-block spaced calendar period demanding commitment to engage in fulfillment and turnarounds… The next few months of limitation on the time-crunching calendar period will demand optimization until end of the Year Twenty Twenty-two along with preparation towards the New Year of Twenty Twenty-three. This certainly builds a mountain to scale over attainable goals and Businesses will soon schedule their think-tanks to get into strategic timelines to be upbeat over… · Learnings and take away from time · Strategies that worked across market trends & aligned revisions · Sustainability evolving with market dynamics · Technology around innovation · Redefining business These few mentionable, and similarly many other factors will soon become contention factors to reckon around thought process or hardcore business engagements moving closer towards the calendar year-end of Twenty twenty-two onto the New Year of Twenty Twenty-three The engagement will focus on Starting the New Year of 2023 on a high, as well as building over the last quarter of the financial year to sync progress, development and further building the platform of stepping up results moving ahead in time These will be added to dual goals of Starting on a High, setting benchmark over platforms moving on course of new goals Let’s see a few mentionable that will be valuable contention factors of think tanks…. · Brand – Sustainable process in all practices in building the Brand’s, Brand value marketed across the marketplace. Accumulation of everything the Brand represents · Infrastructure - structuring or re-structuring standardized practices, never gets easy investing on technology, trends or market demand · Workforce - The drivers needed to succeed in successfully reaching and achieving desired goals and targets · Go-to-Market – Innovative creativity involving Brand’s Acceptance & Affordability · Strategy & Network – Explore across marketplace for alliances on sustainability · Technology – Engaging around Brand’s operations, marketing & global reach · Performance Marketing on customer relationship – Implementing insights that evolve to strengthen sales effectiveness Over and above learnings in timelines, the expectations on Business challenges that still expects to evolve in work and business the Twenty Twenty-three are like… 1. Technology, Data & Automation – Technological enhancement expecting systems and processes in the most efficient way 2. Workforce & Challenges – Flexibility of hybrid work, skill assessment and relaxed environment of company culture 3. Brand & Customer Relationship – Employee wellness that assures customer relationship delight will go beyond experience to the “next level on thermology” 4. ROI & Sustainability – Organizations or Entrepreneurs will sync infrastructure, workforce as Core of their strategy 5. Pricing Service tools – Emphasis on Price & Service will be part of the Brand strategy Twenty twenty-three is setting the priorities of Business enablement on a high, the way ahead on bigger goals is attainable a Simpler Framework to look realistically attainable and achievable. Once this framework syncs, strategic improvisation in innovation can follow course with time What will be the focus on important parameters ensuring higher growth in the New Year 2023 · Brand · Infrastructure & Workforce · Technology · Customer Relationship Management · Revenue · Others that vary from time to time across business enterprises The content is generic, views and interest on the content is shared towards co-existence in well-being, faster Industry Revival and mutual benefits to all across Industries This Content specification on topic “ TREND SETTING SHOWDOWN INTO TWENTY TWENTY-THREE ” is scripted by George Nathaniel / - Emphasis is shared on mutual grounds towards faster Industry and steady progress